The Starshow is the main feature offered by Schull Planetarium. It is a must-see for those of all ages whatever their interest in Astronomy and the stars. The present starshow format is the product of years of refinement, and is aimed at both entertaining and educating all, from the youngest to the oldest, and from the veteran astronomer to the novice.

The show consists of three elements beginning with a short video presentation. This is intended firstly to entertain and educate, and also to allow the audience's eyes to adjust to the low level of light necessary for the show.

The main part of the show consists of a guided tour of the constellations to be seen at a given time. The night sky projected is an accurate representation of the starscape visible at the time of year. As a result, a Winter Starshow will be almost completely different in content to a Summer show. However the projector allows the freedom to navigate easily between the Winter and Summer night skies and all the constellations visible from the pole to the equator . Also included is a variety of observing advice, and astronomical mythology and anecdote, at the lecturer's discretion. Different lecturers will bring their own unique perspective to the show, ensuring that Starshows are always fresh and original.

The final section of the Starshow is the Questions and Answers session. The audience can ask for information on anything from Red Giants to shooting stars, or to be shown any one of the 88 constellations. The Lecturer will endeavour to answer any questions asked. Schull Planetarium is one of the last planetaria in Western Europe to retain this interactive element, and is very anxious that it should be retained. Audiences are actively encouraged to participate, and many after-show discussions have proved most stimulating, both for lecturer and audience.

Each Starshow lasts for approximately 45 minutes.

We Welcome Groups of all kinds, Schools, Senior Citizens etc.

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